Our apprentices are continually assessed during their apprenticeship training but must be assessed at the end of their training to ensure they are competent and can perform in all aspects of their role.

The apprentice will go through an end-point assessment. This is where the apprentice will be assessed to check the knowledge, skills and behaviours they have learned throughout their apprenticeship training.

The end-point assessment is different for each apprenticeship. The end-point assessment plan will outline the end-point assessment for each apprenticeship standard.

Every 10-12 weeks a tripartite progress review will take place between the employer, assessor and the apprentice to review the training plan, progress of the apprentice and any concerns of the employer, assessor or apprentice.

An end-point assessment could include:

  • A practical assessment

  • A project

  • An interview and presentation

  • Written or multiple-choice tests

Who can assess your apprentice?

The end-point assessment is carried out by an independent organisation (EPAO) and must be different to Totton College as we are the apprenticeship training provider.

All of the approved end-point assessment organisations must meet the government’s conditions.

How do I find an endpoint assessment organisation?  

As the employer, you will discuss the end-point assessment organisation with the training Assessor who will advise you.

Your apprentice will have time and support to prepare for the EPA and the Assessor will provide relevant:

  • Sample assessments

  • Resources to help prepare you and your apprentice for end-point assessment

If you need help choosing an end-point assessment organisation you can:

  • Contact our apprenticeships team via email or phone at apprenticeships@totton.ac.uk or 0300 123 3385

  • Contact end-point assessment organisations for more information on their services

Is there a cost for the end-point assessment?

Yes, this cost is to be confirmed at the apprenticeship sign-up. The apprenticeship team will contact the end-point assessment organisation and pay them on the employer’s behalf.

The cost of the EPA is usually no more than 20% of the apprenticeship’s funding band maximum.

What is the gateway period?

At the end of the apprenticeship training, there is a period called gateway. This is where you and the apprenticeship team decide if your apprentice is ready to take their end-point assessment.

Before considering if your apprentice is ready, your apprentice must have:

  • Completed the minimum duration of their apprenticeship

  • Met the requirements set out in the end-point assessment plan

Once your apprentice has met these requirements, you and the apprenticeship team will use the end-point assessment plan to decide if you think your apprentice is ready for the end-point assessment.

How do I prepare for the end-point assessment?

When the apprenticeship training is complete, the employer, assessor and apprentice agree to undertake the EPA. 
The assessor will make the end-point assessment organisation aware of any additional needs your apprentice has so they can make any adjustments.  
During this time, the apprentice will need to practice any skills, knowledge and behaviours they have gained during their apprenticeship training.

What happens after the end-point assessment?

Your apprentice can only complete their apprenticeship if they pass the end-point assessment, which also includes any English and maths, if required. 
When your apprentice successfully completes their apprenticeship and end-point assessment, your apprentice will receive their Apprenticeship Standard Certificate, which is a nationally recognised qualification.

Resits and retakes

If your apprentice fails their end-point assessment, they can resit or retake.

A resit involves the apprentice resitting one or more components of their assessment without further training and is typically taken within 2 months of the EPA outcome.

A retake involves an apprentice doing further training before they do their assessment again and is typically taken within 3 months of the EPA outcome, depending on how much retraining is required.

Employers are expected to support apprentices until completion and may have to pay the cost of EPA resits and retakes, when necessary. Apprentices cannot be asked to pay for training and are not responsible for resit costs.


For more information, please contact our Apprenticeship Team: apprenticeships@totton.ac.uk or 0300 123 3385Â