At Totton College, no matter what grades you achieved in your GCSEs, we will work with you to achieve the grades you need to move onto college, university, apprenticeships or work!

If you are aged 16-18, we will work with you to retake your GCSEs, whilst also earning a vocational qualification in a class of your choice! We offer vocational training in a number of skills including:

  • Art and Design
  • Media
  • Beauty
  • Motor Vehicle
  • Care
  • Music
  • Childcare
  • Public Services
  • Construction
  • Sports
  • Hair and Beauty
  • Video Game Design

GCSE Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What would be different about studying GCSEs at Totton College?

A: Life at Totton College is very different to school, we operate a much more individualised way of working with our learners to help them work towards their goals. Our classes are small and friendly, with experienced teachers who understand the many challenges most young people face on a daily basis. With this in mind we can make sure that every learner has the opportunity to learn and work to a way that best suits them, in a very supportive environment.


Q: What are my options if I didn’t get the grades I wanted/needed?

A: The first thing is not to panic or worry – there are always solutions to the problems and we are here to help!


Q: I got a grade 3 in GCSE English and Maths. Do I have to retake?

A: Yes, if you get a grade 3 then you must re-sit a GCSE if you are on a full-time course. If you have a grade 2 or below then you do not have to study/re-sit a GCSE, but you will have to study functional skills in that subject.


Resitting your GCSEs with Totton College

If you are 16-18 and would like to retake your GCSEs with Totton College, please fill in the below form.