Waiting for exam results can be a stressful time as you anticipate the next stage in your journey. But, whatever your grades, there are options at Totton College that will help you on your path to employment or further education.
Collecting GCSE results on Thursday 25 August
When it comes to vocational education, we are the experts. Totton College provides industry standard, hands-on, creative training that prepares you for the world of work. We pride ourselves on delivering up-to-date information and practical tutorials, with access to workplace-based equipment and cutting edge technology, taught by industry professionals who know exactly what employers are looking for.
The world of apprenticeships is expanding at a rapid rate in the UK – the opportunities are exciting, broad, cover numerous sectors and can lead to a whole range of sought after professions. From training to be a pilot to business administration, or even becoming a bee keeper, the options are endless. With university fees ever-increasing, the prospect of earning a salary while being trained and mentored is becoming even more appealing. Employers often seek candidates with industry skills, experience and qualifications in favour of those who have completed higher education so getting hands-on experience at this stage is a brilliant option.
Courses available
Media, Video Games Design, Art & Design, Sport, Childcare, Health & Social Care, Social Sciences, Hair & Beauty, Motor Vehicle, Performing Arts, Business Skills, Public Services, Travel & Tourism and many more…
For further details, see our course listings.
For more information about the apprenticeships or vocational courses we offer, speak to one of our friendly advisors:
Tel: 02380 874 874
Email: info@totton.ac.uk