
By nacro

in Apprenticeships

An apprenticeship is a real job that allows you to earn a wage whilst learning skills and experiencing the industry. Upon completing an apprenticeship, you will have gained an industry-recognised qualification and be prepared for work in your chosen area and be able to progress.

Here are our top 5 reasons to become an apprentice

  • Earn while you learn – earn a real wage! Although the minimum wage for an apprentice is less than the national minimum, it only applies for the first 12 months. Look at it as a starting point to get to where you want to be and remember that it will increase. Also apprentices can see increased earnings of an estimated Β£150,000 over their lifetime
  • Qualifications – achieve industry recognised qualifications allowing you to prove the skills and experience you have achieved and progress with further training
  • Industry expertise – throughout an apprenticeship you will be working with professionals in their field and picking up on their skills and knowledge. In addition, you receive guidance and knowledge from our industry experienced assessors. You will also be assigned a mentor in the workplace who will be someone there to answer your questions, give you guidance and training
  • Employment opportunities – Over 90% of apprentices remain employed or start further training. Employers build a good relationship with you as their apprentice, they know you can do the job, can be trusted and you have been moulded into an employee right for their business, so it makes perfect sense to keep you on! As an apprentice you learn and attain skills that are relevant to the sector, these transfer to every future job opportunity. You will have the skills that other employers look for when recruiting and that puts you ahead of other applicants that may have the same or similar qualification but not the experience or abilities. This helps to build not only the foundations for your future but also blazes the trail for your career pathway.
  • On the job training – with this, you have hands-on industry experience and will learn about your rights and responsibilities as an employee. You also learn about health and safety in the workplace and relevant legislation. You will gain the skills to manage real scenarios as well as building on communication, problem-solving and many more personal skills and qualities

At Totton College, the development of personal learning and thinking skills are all embedded into our apprenticeship programmes. We want to ensure our apprentices complete their apprenticeship feeling empowered, confident and ready to take on the world of work as well rounded individuals.

Totton College provide apprenticeships in many different areas from Hair and Beauty to IT and CMI Management.

Click here to visit our main apprenticeships page to find out more.