After analysing new student applications for 2015/16, Totton College has taken the decision to focus on delivering a programme of vocational courses and will not offer A Level courses to new applicants.
Over the last five years we have seen less demand from students for A Level courses, as a wider range of vocational programmes such as BTECs has developed. Career focused courses have proved popular because they develop the skills, abilities and required qualifications to help learners succeed in their chosen career.
All vocational courses are expected to continue as planned, subject to enrolment. We offer a wide range of subjects across all levels including:Β Childcare, Public Services, Health & Social Care, Sport, Creative Media, Video Games Development, Motor Vehicle, Hair & Beauty.
Our vocational courses have an excellent track record with BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma students doing particularly well. Last year 82% of students studying Sport; 83% of Travel and Tourism students and 78% in Public Services all achieved Distinction grades, which is an excellent achievement. In addition, all students studying Hair and Beauty Level 3 courses achieved 100% pass rate. Vocational qualifications are well respected by universities and employers as they give students practical and professional knowledge, this is evidenced by 49% of students from our vocational courses alone progressing to university last year, 37% went on to gain employment and 6% took up an Apprenticeship.
The college has put a process in place that allows the 90 current students the option to complete the second year of their A Level courses at other local colleges. We are confident that every student affected will be able to complete their programmes.
The college has contacted all potential and current students to provide more information about this change and we are working closely with other providers and reviewing transport arrangements, supported by the EFA and HCC, to minimise disruption for affected students.
For more information please contact the Marketing and Communications team, on 023 8087 4874 ext 770 or email them.