Terms of use
Virus protection
Complaints policy
Comments policy
Refunds policy
Totton College is part of Nacro. Nacro makes every possible effort to ensure that the information published on its websites is accurate and up to date, but cannot guarantee this and does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions. The term Totton College also includes Opus Salon, Wells Unit and Bluebird House. Totton College reserves the right to make amendments at any time and without prior notice. These Terms and our Privacy Policy (which sets out how we use any information we gather from you) will govern our relationship with you in relation to your use of our websites.
Nacro does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by you (directly or indirectly) by making use of the information on its websites. Liability for loss suffered through using our websites is excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law.
Liability for loss of income, profit or goodwill as well as loss of any expected saving, is not accepted. Liability for any inability to use the website and liability resulting from the use of information on other sites Totton College links to is also excluded.
Unless otherwise stated, the copyright and other rights in all material published on totton.ac.uk, beyondyouthcustody.net, philiplawrenceawards.net, recoverynearyou.org.uk, belongs to Nacro and/or Nacro’s licensors (as the case may be).
As a visitor to our websites, you may download material from these websites on a single computer for your own personal, non-commercial use only. You may print out single copies of pages from these websites for the sole purpose of enabling you to retain a copy for your own personal records. No other use or reproduction is permitted without the explicit prior written consent of Nacro.
Requests for such approval should be directed to:
Communications, Brand and Design
Walkden House
16-17 Devonshire Square
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Some documents and photos have been published on this site with the permission of the relevant copyright owners (if they are not Nacro copyright). You may download such third party material as part of the relevant web page on a single computer for your own personal, non-commercial use only. All other rights to such materials are reserved to the relevant copyright holder and, for all other uses, permission to copy such materials must be obtained in advance from the relevant copyright owner (the sources are indicated within the documents/photographs).
Nacro provides hypertext links to third party websites for the convenience of users at its discretion. By linking to these websites Nacro in no way endorses the contents, views or information held on such sites.
Nacro is not responsible for any loss, additional costs or damage howsoever arising, suffered as a result of using the hyperlinks provided to third party websites.
Third parties wishing to reciprocally link to Nacro’s websites should email website@nacro.org.uk.
Virus protection
We make every effort to check and test material at all stages of production. It is always wise to run an anti-virus program on all material downloaded from the Internet. We cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst using material derived from this website.
These terms and conditions for website use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising under these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Please also refer to our comments policy, copyright statement and privacy policy for additional terms that will apply in relation to your use of Nacro’s websites.
Complaints policy
Any complaints about this website should be emailed to website@nacro.org.uk
Comments policy
Any comments submitted to Nacro’s websites will be checked by a site administrator. Comments that are submitted for posting on the site will be posted immediately and will not be edited (except for comments which contravene this comments policy, which will not be posted).
By submitting a comment to this site you agree to comply with the following code of conduct.
When you leave a comment on our websites you must provide your real name, job title and organisation. This will be displayed alongside your comment when it is published on the website. You must not represent yourself as any other person.
You must ensure that your comment is relevant to the topic under discussion. You must always be civil and respectful to other website users and must not submit any comment that is likely to deceive, upset or annoy any other person. The use of swear words or other profanities will not be accepted. We also recommend that you disclose any relevant interests (e.g., political, commercial) that you hold.
Your comment must not contain advertising or promotional material, except when it is for an event, publication or similar product that has direct relevance to the topic being discussed, and where the placing of such advertisement or promotional material has been approved by us in writing in advance.
You are legally liable for the content of comments that you submit to this site. Your comment must not contain material that is obscene, offensive, defamatory or otherwise illegal. This includes material that promotes violence, sexually explicit material, or material, which promotes discrimination on any grounds. You must not submit any material, which, if used or reproduced by us, could give rise to any third party claims. You must not post on the website any material which has been disclosed to you in confidence or which compromises the privacy of anyone other than yourself. By submitting a comment to this website, you warrant that we are not responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or accuracy of any material posted by you or any other user of our site and you agree to indemnify us and our project partners from any and all claims and liabilities (including legal fees) which arise from your comments or any other material you submit to the site.
We have the right (but not the obligation) to edit or remove comments at our sole discretion without the need to give any reason for doing so.
In submitting comments to this website, you grant Nacro the royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unrestricted right and license to use, and reproduce such content (including the right to sub-license).
Please let us know if you find any comment to be objectionable by emailing website@nacro.org.uk
Refunds policy
Please take note that we are only able to refund fees in the following circumstances:
- If you have to withdraw within seven working days after enrolment, (if the course starts within this period there will be no refund after the start of the course)
- Where the College cancels a course for example, due to insufficient enrolments to make the course viable We reserve the right to delay or change start or finish dates if we are obliged to do so. Only if such a change includes a change of day or venue will repayment of fees be possible.
We regret that no refunds will be given in any other circumstances. If you require any further information, please contact the College on 023 8087 4874 or email info@totton.ac.uk. All information correct at the time of print. For the latest information, please visit our website.
Charity registration number 226171
© Nacro