Arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Totton College staff at all levels place learners’ safety as a high priority... all learners have a practical understanding of how to stay safe.
Totton College’s safeguarding policy is incorporated within Nacro’s. The safety and wellbeing of service users and learners is at the heart of the service Nacro provides. We are committed to ensuring that students and anyone who accesses our services are free from abuse, harm and neglect, as well as protecting their health, wellbeing and human rights. Safeguarding is the responsibility of all Nacro employees, volunteers and contractors, whatever their role.Â
Nacro’s commitment is supported by a strong governance structure with roles and responsibilities clearly defined and promoted. Our nationally recognised best practice on safer recruitment policy includes detailed pre-employment screening and enhanced DBS checks to ensure that we recruit staff with the right values, skills and experience. You can read Nacro’s full safeguarding statement here.
Our safeguarding policies, covering the protection of adults and child protection, ensure that we provide a safe environment for all of our students and service users to learn and/or reside in. The policies cover a wide range of issues including:
- Bullying
- Domestic violence
- Teenage relationship abuse
- Female genital mutilation
- Child sexual exploitation
- Radicalisation
- Trafficking, exploitation and modern slavery
- Forced marriage, honour violence/killings
- Gang violence and gang grooming
- Online safety (including internet grooming and cyber bullying)
Nacro’s Prevent Policy – Preventing violent and non-violent extremism and radicalisation
Nacro has an up-to-date Prevent Policy as part of its duty to safeguard those using its services. The reviewed policy identifies that Directors and Operational leads have a responsibility for implementing individual prevent action plans for areas. This is done through a risk register and action plan form.
Get in touch
Our wellbeing team is available to offer confidential help and advice to any students who need to talk about anything from relationship or health issues to finance or housing problems. Some students are referred by a teacher while others just drop in for a chat. Sessions can be either booked in advance or you can drop in with our team to discuss further.
This is why we have been awarded Incyte’s Excellence in Safeguarding Platinum Award.
Key contacts:
Operational Safeguarding Lead
Clare Kirk, Head of Learner Services and Safeguarding
M: 07973 436791
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Jade Roots, Assistant Principal
T: 023 80 874 874
M: 07483 030221
For anyone looking to report a safeguarding issue, either student, parent or employer, please email If you are under 18 and would like to talk to someone outside of the college, you can contact ChildLine for free on 0800 1111.
If you’re worried about the welfare of a child contact the NSPCC helpline for professional help, advice and support – email or call 0808 800 5000.
We have welfare support available at the college as well as a councillor who can offer regular appointments if needed.
Useful links
Barnardos website
Telephone:Â 01293 610660
Free 24-hour National Domestic Violence helpline: 0808 2000 247
Disrespect Nobody – information and advice about relationships
NSPCC FGM helpline
Email or call free on 0800 028 3550
Mind – email, text 86463 or call free on 0300 123 3393
Samaritans – email or call free on 116 123