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As well as developing the curriculum within the college, Hannah is responsible for learning outcomes β ensuring each and every student achieves to the best of their ability.
Jade is responsible for developing the curriculum and leading the faculty managers in delivering a high quality programme of learning that matches local demand and fits the needs of the business.
Gareth is responsible for overseeing the Creative and Service Industries faculty.
Kirsty is responsible for the estates and facilities at the college, including administration, learner services and safeguarding.
Jenny is responsible for overseeing the Skills for Life curriculum area.
Lee is responsible for overseeing the Pathways curriculum area.
Tom is responsible for overseeing the apprenticeship provision and apprenticeship employer engagement.
Kate is responsible for the quality of teaching, learning and assessment to ensure a good quality learner experience.
Will is responsible for overseeing the provision of learner support for those with special educational needs and Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) within all faculties.